South McKeel Welcomes Home Veterans
Lakeland, FL -- All grade levels at South McKeel Academy Pre-K - 7th contributed a school “Welcome Home” sign for the Veterans returning on the Honor Flight at Lakeland Regional Airport on November 12, 2013. The banner said: South McKeel Academy Would Like To "Say" Welcome Home. Each class provided “speech bubbles” that were added all around the banner and included student signatures, personal notes of thanks, and pictures to pay tribute our local Veterans. The Honor Flight Welcome Home party was a wonderful way to show appreciation and acknowledge the dedication and contribution of our WWII veterans. The students, teachers, and administrators had an awesome time cheering, and clapping for them as they got off the plane! Our students thought it was extra special to be able to shake a few of the Veterans’ hands as they passed by, and pass out more thank you cards.
Pictured are 4th Grade SMA teacher Vivian Dippold, SMA Director of Middle School Joyce Powell, 6th grade SMA teacher Stephanie Eiland, 6th Grade SMA teacher Kim Hatten, (Front row), SMA 4th grade student Elli Baker, SMA 5th grade student Parker Hatten, and SMA 6th grade Teacher Jenn Baker.