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Learn about our Schools

All our our schools earned an "A" grade for the 2018-2019 school year! Learn more about what each school offers below.

McKeel Academy of Technology: Principal Mrs. Kim Benson

7-12 High Performing Public Charter School

McKeel Academy of Technology provide a rigorous academic program for grades 7-12 with AP and Honors classes and a strong focus on technology with the 1:1 iPad Initiative launched at the start of the 2013-14 school year. Graduation requirements are set higher with 4 years of math and science, 4 years of social studies, and 4 years of language arts, exceeding the state requirements. The academic program requires 12th graders to participate in a senior internship in their chosen career field, and all middle and high school students to participate in job shadowing twice a year. High school students may choose to participate in the Dual-Enrollment Program with Polk State College providing classes on campus.

Career Academies at McKeel Academy of Technology include the Polk County Schools Career Academy “iMedia” specializing in digital graphics and web design with industry certification from Adobe. Other career clusters focus on computer programming, robotics and health science.

McKeel Academy of Technology scores well in academic testing and competitions such as Robotics, Spanish, Public Speaking, History Fair and more. McKeel achieved the designation of High-Performing Charter School in 2011.

Our 16 sport programs were honored with a Top 3 overall finish in the FHSAA "All Sports Award" for 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. We also have a Top 10 finish in the "Academic Team Champions Award" recognized by the FHSAA for teams that finishes with a cumulative GPA above 3.0 which every team on campus has accomplished for the last three years.

A School

McKeel Academy Central: Principal Mrs. Angela Massung

PK-6 High Performing Public Charter School

McKeel Academy Central opened its doors in August of 2003 as the start-up charter school McKeel Elementary Academy. In 2013, McKeel Academy Central added grade 6 and started the construction of a new 2-story building to further expand their program. This school of technology is a feeder program for McKeel Academy of Technology middle/high school.

The academic program focuses on a challenging curriculum emphasizing the core foundations of reading, writing and math plus hands-on science and career exploration. Technology is strongly integrated into their program across subject areas. Students have access to electronic devices in their classrooms plus weekly classes in the MAC computer lab.

McKeel Academy Central has a daily physical education program for all students, and a music program that includes weekly music classes and chorus. With a special emphasis on cultural awareness and character education, McKeel Academy Central engages students in community service learning projects that give back to the community.

McKeel Academy Central has received an A school grade every year since it opened, and was designated as a high-performing charter school in 2011 by the Florida Department of Education.

A School

South McKeel Academy: Principal Mrs. Michelle Poppell

PK-6 High Performing Public Charter School with VPK Program

South McKeel Academy opened its doors in August 2006 as a K-5 school with 576 students to offer another elementary feeder program into McKeel Academy of Technology. This new location on the south side of Lakeland added grades 6 and 7 in 2009, and now have approximately 1160 students. The VPK program was added in 2010 for 4 year olds.

South McKeel Academy K-5 elementary program incorporates challenging traditional academics with a focus on technology. The 6-7 middle school program has an integrated curriculum with an emphasis on using technology in the classroom. The physical education program provides all students with daily classes. The music program includes weekly classes for K-6 students. In 7th grade, a choice of electives provides students with two classes in Guitar, Criminology, Spanish, TV Production, Art, Engineering, Robotics, Mad Science, Intro to Business/Technology or Aviation.

Career exploration and cultural awareness are included in their programs as well as character education. Giving back to the community is an important cultural component of South McKeel Academy, and students participate in a variety of service learning activities in support of local organizations.

South McKeel Academy was designated by the Florida Department of Education as a high-performing charter school in 2011.

A School

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